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Photo by Helena Lopes: https://www.pexels.com/photo/group-of-friends-hanging-out-933964/ -- offsite team meeting, corporate events

Team Meetings & Corporate Events: 6 Reasons to Plan an Offsite Event

In the NYC corporate world, onsite team meetings, corporate events, and conferences are seemingly endless. It’s the same old conference room with the same old paint and the same old table and chairs. If you want to boost productivity, increase motivation, and build extra morale, consider an offsite team meeting series. Keep reading to learn the benefits of hosting your team-building meetings, staff conferences, and corporate events offsite this year.

1. Offsite Team Meetings Boost Productivity

When people are caught in the same cycle of meetings, conferences, and stagnant environments, productivity can feel sluggish. A new environment that stimulates the senses or just gives a change of scenery can help boost productivity among team members. Take your teams out of the office to breathe new life into your meetings and corporate events. This effect is particularly effective in truly novel settings or even paired with extra fun activities.

2. Go Outside the Box to think Outside the Box

“The box” means the office, of course. We often need a change of scenery to get the creative juices flowing again. Getting outside the office for a meeting or conference can help team members pull from different sources of inspiration outside the ultra-familiar. And whatever your meeting objectives aim to accomplish, the ideas and sentiments will resonate more when your teams can step outside the cubicle and the norm.

3. New Team Meeting Environments Foster More Motivation

Offsite meetings and new environments hold more weight as an experience than a meeting in the office does. It’s something new and different. Make your team-building meetings or those otherwise-bland quarterly planning sessions somewhere new. Your teams will feel reinvigorated, stepping away from their screens. And they’ll likely be more participatory throughout the meeting when they’re in an environment that allows them to relax and have fun.

4. New Venue, New Perspectives 

Offsite meetings provide a novel outlook by extricating teams from their typical work settings and plunging them into unfamiliar surroundings. This alteration ignites creativity and prompts participants to approach situations from new angles, frequently fostering innovative solutions and concepts. And new perspectives might be just what your team needs to solve problems and bring new ideas.

5. Encourage More Team Camaraderie

New spaces encourage team bonding and building cooperative skills. People generally look to their group to determine how to proceed if an experience is in a totally unfamiliar place. By default, communication has to happen, and shared experiences can foster that feeling of belonging to a group. Use offsite meetings and conferences as a method for improving employee communication and inspiring new working relationships between team members.

6. NYC Venues Have Innovative Technology

Depending on the venue, hosting offsite events can do more than just boost creativity and morale. Offsite NYC team meetings can be a great way to access new and innovative technology you might not have access to on-site. Imagine hosting your meeting with brilliant audiovisuals to immerse your teams. Lights, LED panels, and stage presentations will bring that meeting agenda to life.

Plan Your Corporate Events with the Pros at EMRG Media

EMRG Media has New York’s top event planners ready for any level of corporate event, meeting, or offsite excursion. If you’re sold on the benefits of taking your corporate meetings offsite, but aren’t thrilled about all the event planning and coordination, we can help! We specialize in curating immersive and impactful team-building meetings, conferences, and corporate events throughout New York City. And we can help you leverage every offsite meeting advantage for your company! Contact our team about your corporate or social events alike. We’ll help you make them memorable and successful!