Over the past few years, remote work has become an increasingly popular part of the new working landscape. Companies are embracing its efficiency, and workers love the flexibility it offers. Although working remotely has many benefits, it comes with its challenges as well. Employee engagement remains a point of interest for companies to consider when exploring strategies for remote workers to feel fully engaged in corporate events. In the spirit of inclusivity and team cohesion, we explore how to leverage these different strategies to make sure all of your team members feel like a valued participant in every future corporate event.
Why Employee Engagement is Important
Employee engagement continues to be crucial to the success of any company. Engaged employees feel deeply invested and committed to their work. They are motivated employees who are productive and dedicated to furthering a company’s goals. When employees feel fulfilled and rewarded at work, they contribute to the overall success of the business.
Now that remote and hybrid work opportunities have become a larger part of the workforce, there are unique challenges to consider. Promoting employee engagement will require more creativity because some of the workforce will not be able to physically attend your corporate events. It’s still just as important to keep your remote workers engaged. Just because it’s more difficult to visualize certain aspects of an event from afar doesn’t mean it’s impossible to include your remote employees in a fun and seamless way.
1. Send Out Some Pre-Event Swag
A fun way for remote employees to feel a part of any event is to receive a swag bag before the event. Consider tailoring each bag to their specific preferences and include some items with the company’s logo. They’ll feel like they’re valued and part of the team.
2. Communicate Event Details
Make sure your remote employees are set up for success before the event begins. Clearly communicate the itinerary and any technical requirements they might need to participate. Create designated details just for remote workers so they have all the information they need to be fully informed about how they can be a part of the event.
3. Provide a Variety of Virtual Attendance Options
With the advances in technology, it’s easy to give your remote employees a variety of options on how they can attend your corporate events. Be mindful that those attending remotely have access to the platforms you choose. Consider livestreaming from various platforms or video conferencing into the event. Be clear about how they can have access to each portion of the event.
4. Engage Remote Employees in Team-Building Activities
It can be tough for remote workers to feel like they’re part of the team. Virtual team-building activities are a great way to facilitate team bonding and employee interaction. Consider online icebreakers, virtual scavenger hunts, multiplayer games that encourage teamwork, virtual happy hours or coffee breaks, and more! These are welcomed pauses in an event that can include everyone.
5. Incorporate Interactive Sessions & Networking Opportunities
A large part of corporate events is connecting with the people you work with. This can include interactive sessions and networking opportunities. Remote employees are going to want to be a part of these talks, and being physically away from the event can make that difficult. Help facilitate these interactions by providing live Q&A sessions through video conferencing, interactive polls and workshops, virtual breakout rooms, and online chat platforms.
6. Include Rewards & Recognitions to Conclude Corporate Events
Celebrate the team and make them feel appreciated. Giving shout outs to individuals on their accomplishments makes them feel valued. Get your remote employees involved in these recognitions and encourage a virtual applause. It’s a great way for the rest of the team to see everyone’s contributions.
EMRG Media is Here to Help With All Your Upcoming Corporate Events!
The professionals at EMRG Media are NYC’s event planning experts, and we’re here to help you make every part of your team feel valued and included at your corporate events. You’re in great hands with us, and our dedicated event planning team will go above and beyond to ensure your event leaves lasting memories for your guests. Contact us today, and let’s start planning!