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Month: October 2023

Photo by Doğu Tuncer: https://www.pexels.com/photo/toast-with-cocktails-15880732/ -- cocktail party

Upscale Cocktail Parties: 5 Do’s & Don’ts When Planning Yours

Whether you’re looking to plan a co-worker get-together or you’re looking to assemble the friends group for a night out – cocktail parties are superb! They’re elegant and classy, especially when you take the time to carefully plan your social event. New York City has all the charm and upscale vibes, too. But there are …

Upscale Cocktail Parties: 5 Do’s & Don’ts When Planning Yours Read More »

Image Title: Engrossed New York Audience Image Description: Attentive audience at an NYC brand launch event. Alt Text: Brand Launches Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/people-sitting-on-gang-chairs-2774556/

Product Launch in NYC: Creating a Buzz in the Big Apple

To excel in a city as dynamic as New York, one must master the art of seizing opportunities and making every moment count. This metropolis is not just a hub of commerce or a playground for socialites; it’s a complex ecosystem that rewards those who understand its unique rhythms and nuances. This comprehensive guide decodes the …

Product Launch in NYC: Creating a Buzz in the Big Apple Read More »

Photo by Helena Lopes: https://www.pexels.com/photo/crop-cheerful-woman-preparing-homemade-blue-cocktail-in-bar-4279109/ -- party drinks

Office Party Planning Basics: 5 Must-Haves to Include with Your Company Event

So, you’re in charge of planning your upcoming office party. Whether it’s a more formal company event or a more social holiday party for coworkers, it’s your job to make sure it’s fun, exciting, and within budget. As you create your event planning to-do lists, make sure you include the following essentials. No New York …

Office Party Planning Basics: 5 Must-Haves to Include with Your Company Event Read More »

Image Title: Hybrid Event Spotlight Image Description: Presenter discussing a digital interface during a live event Alt Text: Event Presentation Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/person-discussing-while-standing-in-front-of-a-large-screen-in-front-of-people-inside-dim-lighted-room-bzdhc5b3Bxs

Hybrid Events: Bridging the Physical and Digital Divide

Forget the buzzwords you’ve heard about hybrid events. Scrap any preconceived notions. We’re not here to bore you with another preachy “future is now” spiel. Think of the hybrid event as the “double espresso” of the event world—it’s got the live ‘kick’ you crave, along with the digital convenience you’ve grown to love. Imagine an …

Hybrid Events: Bridging the Physical and Digital Divide Read More »

People inside the conference room

The Art of Corporate Event Planning: Tips from the Pros

Forget the stale cheese platters and mind-numbing PowerPoints; corporate events are stepping out of the shadows of banality. Think about it: you’ve got one shot to hit those branding moments, stir the networking pot, and achieve your milestone goals. And your corporate event planning efforts carry more weight than ever.  All eyes are on you, …

The Art of Corporate Event Planning: Tips from the Pros Read More »

Image Title: Corporate event Decor and Ambiance Image Description: Close-up of a meticulously arranged dining table with glassware and décor Alt Text: A detailed view of a table setting emphasizing event ambiance Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/BCkLxilDvJU

Mastering Corporate Event Decor and Ambiance in Event Planning

Step into any room at a corporate event, and you feel an inexplicable aura that embraces or alienates you. Is it the soft glow from chandeliers or the tension in the air? Whether you realize it or not, you’ve stepped into the emotionally charged canvas that New York event planners know as the realm of …

Mastering Corporate Event Decor and Ambiance in Event Planning Read More »

Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay -- team-building problem-solving

10 Escape Rooms in NYC to Consider for Your Next Team-Building Event

Escape rooms have become very trendy over recent years, and they’re not just fun for friends having a night out or family looking for weekend activities. They can serve as a fantastic team-building activity for your next company event. Moreover, it’s a great opportunity to get your team of professionals involved in an interactive exercise …

10 Escape Rooms in NYC to Consider for Your Next Team-Building Event Read More »

Image Title: Engaged Audience at Event Image Description: Attendees watching a presentation at a conference Alt Text: Crowd of people at a conference focused on a presentation stage Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-people-gathering-in-room-2833037/

Trade Shows & Conferences: A Step-by-Step Planning Guide

Let’s forget those dry, textbook-style articles that put you to sleep before you even get to the good stuff. You’re here because you have an event to plan and you need PROVEN event planning strategies. You’re imagining a show-stopping, applause-worthy conference or trade show that people will be tweeting and Instagramming about. You might even …

Trade Shows & Conferences: A Step-by-Step Planning Guide Read More »

Photo by Element5 Digital: https://www.pexels.com/photo/two-champagne-glasses-near-baubles-712324/ -- holiday party

4 Entertainment Ideas for Your Company Holiday Party

The holiday season will be upon us before you know it, and if you’ve been tasked with planning your company’s holiday party, it can be overwhelming. EMRG Media is here to help as one of NYC’s premiere event-planning partners. Office parties are a great opportunity to boost employee morale and celebrate each other while also …

4 Entertainment Ideas for Your Company Holiday Party Read More »

Photo by RDNE Stock project: https://www.pexels.com/photo/people-sitting-on-green-grass-waving-their-hands-7551760/ -- team-building

How Team-Building Events Can Improve Your Company’s Culture

Today’s companies, both large and small, recognize just how important it is to create a positive workplace environment. And you’re always looking for new ways to improve your company’s culture. Here at EMRG Media, we’ve been helping businesses just like yours create rewarding and impactful experiences with team-building events. Discover how well-planned and brilliantly executed …

How Team-Building Events Can Improve Your Company’s Culture Read More »